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This theory of production, then, which has been the foundation of socialism as a party or, as Gronlünd, a disciple of Marx, calls it, "its idée mère" and which is still its foundation for the great majority of socialists, we will now examine in detail, and, considering how complex are the processes of production in the modern world, ask how far it gives us, or fails to give us, even an approximately complete account of them.

Simon or Fourier, or Owen few such definite proposals as those of Karl Marx, Bellamy, Hertzka or Gronlund, or even William Morris.

"Professional, or qualified work, will be a multiple of simple work," says the collectivist Grönlund, "because this kind of work needs a more or less long apprenticeship." Some other collectivists, such as the French Marxist, Guesde, do not make this distinction. They proclaim the "Equality of Wages."

It is this true German Socialism which Mr. Gronlund, in the work previously alluded to, very clearly presents, and which should be more generally understood than it is. Apropos of the subject, it will not be amiss to recall a statement made by Frederic Harrison, namely: "The working-class is the only class which is not a class. It is the nation.

By HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN It was in Copenhagen, on November 19, 1770, that a carver of figures for ships' heads, by name Gottskalk Thorwaldsen, was presented by his wife, Karen Grönlund, the daughter of a clergyman in Jutland, with a son, who at his baptism received the name of Bertel, or Albert. The father had come from Iceland, and lived in poor circumstances.