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Of all modern phenomena, which, according to Proudhon's assumption that complete economic freedom must absorb all political authority, should introduce Anarchy by means of economic institutions, the most important is undoubtedly the so-called "Free Land" movement, whose "father" is Theodor Hertzka.

In such a valley as this two months ought to be sufficient to more than feed and clothe us; but then he didn't have to make his own clothing." "And out of nothing particular," interrupted Robin. Adam laughed and went on. "Did you ever hear of a man called Hertzka?

And I believe that the situation of the Jews in many countries is grave enough to make such preliminary trifling superfluous. An interesting book, "Freiland," by Dr. Theodor Hertzka, which appeared a few years ago, may serve to mark the distinction I draw between my conception and a Utopia.

Born on the 13th July, 1845, at Buda Pesth, Hertzka studied law, but afterwards turned to journalism, in which he gained the reputation of the most brilliant journalist in Vienna. In the seventies he was editor of the Neue Freie Presse, and in 1880 he founded the Vienna Allgemeine Zeitung; but since 1889 he has been editor of the Zeitschrift für Staatsund Volkwirthschaft.

Simon or Fourier, or Owen few such definite proposals as those of Karl Marx, Bellamy, Hertzka or Gronlund, or even William Morris.

The expedition which was sent out to "Freeland," after years of agitation, prepared at great expense and watched with the eager curiosity of all Europe, appears to-day, however as was hardly to be wondered at to have failed. "Freeland," as depicted by Hertzka in his social romance, is a community founded upon the principle of unlimited publicity combined with unlimited freedom.