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There are you, growin' middle-aged and not married to some good-'earted chap as 'd give you three-four children I could pet in me old age. Wodjer want to go fallin' in love with some chap as 'as got a wife already? I know your principles. There's iron in yer blood, same as there is in that proud priest, your father. I know you'd break your 'eart sooner 'n have a good time with the professor. My!

'Becos some good-'earted bloke in Blighty that doesn't 'ave no pal particular out 'ere asks the paper to send 'is packet o' 'baccy to the O.C. to pass on to some pore 'ard-up orphin Tommy that ain't got no 'baccy nor no fren's to send 'im like, an' 'e issues it to you. 'It ain't a issue, persisted the Wheel Driver. 'It's a Gif. The Quarter sed so 'isself.

Out he went, not even heeding Tomlin's appeal to drink the ginger-ale he had just ordered. "Just like 'im," sighed Hobbs. "Good-'earted fellow! Would find hexcuses for a black rat." Elkin talked more freely now that the chemist's disapproving eye was off him. Ultimately, Mr. Franklin elected to smoke a cigar in the open air, and strolled forth.

After listening in surprise for a few moments, Emma turned away and quietly began to cut bread and butter for the children, who were having their tea. 'Haven't you got anything to say? cried her sister. 'I suppose he'll be telling his foul lies about me next. Oh, he's a good-'earted man, is Mutimer! Perhaps you'll believe me now. Are you going to let him talk what he likes about you?