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Little Jon reflected; Venus was in his book about the Greeks and Trojans. Then Anna was her Christian and Dyomene her surname? But it appeared, on inquiry, that it was one word, which meant rising from the foam. "Did she rise from the foam in Glensofantrim?" "Yes; every day." "What is she like, Daddy?" "Like Mum." "Oh!

"I don't believe in fairies. I never see any." "Ha!" said his father. "Does Mum?" His father smiled his funny smile. "No; she only sees Pan." "What's Pan?" "The Goaty God who skips about in wild and beautiful places." "Was he in Glensofantrim?" "Mum said so." Little Jon took his heels up, and led on. "Did you see him?" "No; I only saw Venus Anadyomene."

His father told him of a place called Glensofantrim, where he and his mother had been; and of the little people who came out of the ground there when it was very quiet. Little Jon came to a halt, with his heels apart. "Do you really believe they do, Daddy?" "No, Jon, but I thought you might." "Why?" "You're younger than I; and they're fairies." Little Jon squared the dimple in his chin.

"I don't believe in fairies. I never see any." "Ha!" said his father. "Does Mum?" His father smiled his funny smile. "No; she only sees Pan." "What's Pan?" "The Goaty God who skips about in wild and beautiful places." "Was he in Glensofantrim?" "Mum said so." Little Jon took his heels up, and led on. "Did you see him?" "No; I only saw Venus Anadyomene."

I'm simply tired of going to bed, every night." "Have you had any more nightmares?" "Only about one. May I leave the door open into your room to-night, Mum?" "Yes, just a little." Little Jon heaved a sigh of satisfaction. "What did you see in Glensofantrim?" "Nothing but beauty, darling." "What exactly is beauty?" "What exactly is Oh! Jon, that's a poser." "Can I see it, for instance?"

Little Jon reflected; Venus was in his book about the Greeks and Trojans. Then Anna was her Christian and Dyomene her surname? But it appeared, on inquiry, that it was one word, which meant rising from the foam. "Did she rise from the foam in Glensofantrim?" "Yes; every day." "What is she like, Daddy?" "Like Mum." "Oh!

His father told him of a place called Glensofantrim, where he and his mother had been; and of the little people who came out of the ground there when it was very quiet. Little Jon came to a halt, with his heels apart. "Do you really believe they do, Daddy?" "No, Jon, but I thought you might." "Why?" "You're younger than I; and they're fairies." Little Jon squared the dimple in his chin.

I'm simply tired of going to bed, every night." "Have you had any more nightmares?" "Only about one. May I leave the door open into your room to-night, Mum?" "Yes, just a little." Little Jon heaved a sigh of satisfaction. "What did you see in Glensofantrim?" "Nothing but beauty, darling." "What exactly is beauty?" "What exactly is Oh! Jon, that's a poser." "Can I see it, for instance?"