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I am not trying to excuse myself I am trying to explain. You are gentle-folks; what dazzled and maddened me, is everyday experience to you. Fallen or not, angel or devil, it came to this she was a lady; and I was a groom. Here with my savings in money to help her she could get her outfit of decent clothes and her lodging among strangers who asked no questions so long as they were paid.

"I won't tell you about 'er. But I'll just bring 'er to see you now and then, ma'am, if you don't mind," answered Mr. Hasluck. "She don't often meet gentle-folks, an' it'll do 'er good." My mother glanced across at my father, but the man, intercepting her question, replied to it himself.

When she was asked why she complained, when she was paid all she demanded, she answered, "she could not deny that, nor did she know she had omitted anything; but that it was but a poor bill for gentle-folks to pay."

"Ay, ay it's easy for your honour, and the like o' you gentle-folks to say sae, that hae stouth and routh, and fire and fending and meat and claith, and sit dry and canny by the fireside but an ye wanted fire, and meat, and dry claes, and were deeing o' cauld, and had a sair heart, whilk is warst ava', wi' just tippence in your pouch, wadna ye be glad to buy a dram wi't, to be eilding and claes, and a supper and heart's ease into the bargain, till the morn's morning?"