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The stuff did smell of fresias which he proved by holding it to his lips for an instant the very scent that had come out to him whenever the dryad door opened, in reality and memory, the scent he had grown intimate with while the Moon dress hung in his wardrobe during those days when he had awaited a chance to present his offering to Ena!

Just as you can seem to see music wonderful, changing colours. The wallflower scent's all around us now. It's you. But through it I imagine another perfume. It's here, too. It's been with me for months. Because I've got to feel it's her spirit, her leitmotif. The perfume of fresias. Do you know it?" "I thought maybe she liked it," mother said calmly. "What put that idea in your darling head?"

Close by the window was wide open, and the night breeze from over the Sound was rhythmically waving the white dimity curtains. The sweetness of home-coming swept over Peter with the perfume of wallflowers which blew in on the wind a sweetness almost as poignant as that of fresias.

"Why, because you've been havin' fresias planted in the garden and in your room as long as they lasted through the spring. You'd never thought of 'em before as I know of." "You witch! You notice everything. Who'd believe it, you're so quiet?" "Of course I notice things about you. I wouldn't be fit to be your mother if I didn't. Now, do you feel like tellin' me things about her?"

The perfume of the mirror room was here the perfume which made all Nadine's model dresses delicately fragrant of spring flowers; fresias, the youngest dryad had said they were; and since then Peter had asked for fresias at the florist's, requested the Scottish head gardener to plant fresias in the garden, and had kept fresias in his room to call back old dreams.

He turned away, leaning so much weight on the bamboo stick he held that it bent and rather surprised him. Suddenly the scene struck him as very strange, almost unreal Winifred Child, his lost dryad, found in his father's store, separated from him by a dignified barrier of oak and many other things invisible! This talk going on between them after last night! Fresias would have helped.