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From the authority of Rubruquis misunderstood, some ancient map makers have inserted the Castella Judeorum instead of Gothorum in the Crimea, and even Danville placed them in his maps under the name of Chateaux des Juifs, castles of the Jews. Forst. Of the Tartars and their Houses. They have no permanent city, and they are ignorant of the future.

This is an error in transcription, and it has been already noticed in the introduction to these travels, that Marco could not then have exceeded the ninth year of his age. Bibars el Bentochdari, sultan of Kahira or Cairo, in Egypt, often called Babylon. Forst. Chambalu, or Khan-balu, or the city of the Khan, now Peking. Forst.

Forst. Voy. and Disc. 105. Of sundry Nations, and of certain People who used to eat their Parents. I am convinced that these Jugurs, who are mixed with Christians and Mahometans, have arrived at the knowledge and belief of one God, by frequent disputations with them. This nation dwells in cities, which were brought under subjection to Zingis, who gave his daughter in marriage to their king.

That is, both inhabiting North Jutland and the islands of Funen, Zeeland, Langland, Laland, and Falster. Forst. Formerly called Apdrede, and explained to be the Obotrites. Alluding, doubtless, to the country from whence the Saxons who inhabited England had come of old.

Hence the original name of silk was certainly either adopted from or applied to the intermediate nation, through whom that precious commodity was transmitted to the western nations. Forst.

The country of the genuine rhubarb has been described by the great Russian traveller Palas, as situated on the river Selingol, not far from the town of Selinga, which falls into the Chattungol, Hoang-ho, Choango, or Karamuren. Forst.

The priest, however, accompanied them to Bergen, to pay a visit to his archbishop, and to give him a part of the booty. Rost, or Rostoy. Forst. The small island of Rust probably the one in question, is the south-westernmost of the Loffoden isles of Norway, in lat. 67°. 80 N. long. 11°. E. and is about 80 statute miles from the nearest land of the continent of Norway to the east.

He died as he had lived, universally beloved and respected by all who knew him; for, with the advantages of birth and fortune, he was humble and beneficent and employed his great riches, and the interest he possessed in the state, only to do good. Harris, I, 593. Forst. Voy. and Disc. p. 117. Modern Geogr. II. xvi. Ital Libr. p. iv. Mod. Geogr. II. xvi.

It is necessary to distinguish accurately between Weonothland, which is probably Fuehnen, Funen, or Fionio, now called Fyen; and Weonodland or Winodland, afterwards Wendenland. Forst. Denmark obviously, called simply Dene, in the voyages of Ohthere. Probably Bornholm. Called Sueoland in the voyages of Ohthere, is assuredly Sweden, to which all these islands belong.

Zagathai was one of the sons of the great conqueror Zingis Khan, and received that part of the empire for his share, which comprehended Turkistan, Mawaralnahar, and Kuaresm; which extensive country took from him the name of Zagathai. Forst. The furs mentioned in the text could not be brought from this country, which besides, is to the south-east of Kasan.