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She's afloat now, and Miss Foley's in her. I was just a-going off. If you don't mind wetting your feet " In one minute Audrey had splashed into the punt. Jane Foley took her hand in silence, and she heard Jane's low, happy laugh. "Isn't it funny?" Jane whispered. Audrey squeezed her hand.

She came to him, at any rate, quickly, almost eagerly, and the smile about her lips as she took his hand was one of real and natural pleasure. "How good of you!" she murmured. "I scarcely hoped that you would come. You have been with Maxendorf?" He nodded. "Is it a confession?" he asked. "It was Mr. Foley's first question to me." "It is because we hate and distrust the man," she replied.

This is Schomberg House, shorn of one wing, but still retained among so much that is grand around it. Also in Pall Mall is Foley's celebrated statue of Sidney Herbert, one of the most impressive in London the head drooped sadly and reflectively, indicating that it is the image of a conscientious war-minister, who, overweighted with the responsibility of his office, was cut off prematurely.

Last year he was passing around Foley's magazine, and before that he was with the race track that went out of business because the ministers got nutty over it. Well, he may win out," she added reflectively, "those guys sometimes do put the game on the blink. He sure is a good spender when the orders come in, with a line of talk to make you holler for mercy." Mr.