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But the rapt attitude and quickened breath of Temporary Captain Bobby Little endorsed every word that Major Wagstaffe had spoken. As he rolled into his "flea-bag" that night, Bobby requoted to himself, for the hundredth time, a passage from Shakespeare which had recently come to his notice.

A sigh or a groan came from one part of the room or another, showing that our bombardment was troublesome even to the sleepers, and a rasping noise occasionally occurred when W k, my Company Commander, turned round uneasily on his bed of wood and rabbit-wire. I plunged farther down into the recesses of my flea-bag, though its linings had broken down and my feet stuck out at the bottom.

"That's his three-mile limit, thank Heaven!" said Pyecroft. "Fall in, push-party, and proceed with land-transport o' pinnace. I'll protect your flanks in case this sniffin' flea-bag is tempted beyond 'is strength." We pushed off in silence. The car weighed 1,200 lb., and even on ball-bearings was a powerful sudorific. From somewhere behind a hedge we heard a gross rustic laugh.

"Troth and I think the gentleman would be better if he went off to his flea-bag himself." In my then mystified intellect this west country synonyme for a bed a little puzzled me. "Yes sir, the lady is engaged to me: have you any thing to say to that?" "Nothing at present, at all," said Mark, almost timidly.

Those who were late were put on fatigues without more ado, but in the ordinary way if there were no delinquents we took it in turns, two every day. Often when that first whistle went, it found a good many of us still "complete in flea-bag," and that scramble to get into things and appear "fully dressed" was an art in itself.

"Troth and I think the gentleman would be better if he went off to his flea-bag himself." In my then mystified intellect this west country synonyme for a bed a little puzzled me. "Yes sir, the lady is engaged to me: have you any thing to say to that?" "Nothing at present, at all," said Mark, almost timidly.