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Updated: November 23, 2024
Rex spoke with annoyance this scene was getting tiresome, and although Reed was laughing hopelessly, he was on his mind. "Oh! F'got!" Billy's tipsy coyness was elephantine. "Lives six thous'n sev'nty four North S South Street," and he roared with laughter. Rex was about to learn how to manage Billy Strong. "Bill," he said, "be decent.
Lesh be true to th' ladies till hell runs dry Oh, 'scuse me Recky f'got you was parson till well runs dry, meant say. That all right? Come on t' Chris'pher Street." And in spite of desperate attempts, of long argument and appeal on Rex's part, to Christopher Street they went. The ministering angel had no hankering to risk his charge in a street-car, so, as the distance was not great, they walked.
"Ah'm speakin' of a man thet filed on my section in July," he said. "His six months is up t'-day. So Ah reckon he'll hev t' work a new piece of track. For Ah inten' t' hang on t' thet quarter it's goin' t' be worth a pile." The evangelist threw him a swift glance. "What is the name of that man?" he asked. "Ah dunno. Ah clean gone an' f'got it. Ah ought t' wrote it down "
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