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One telling Socrates that such a one was nothing improved by his travels: "I very well believe it," said he, "for he took himself along with him" "Quid terras alio calentes Sole mutamus? patriae quis exsul Se quoque fugit?" Who is the man that by fleeing from his country, can also flee from himself?"

A sympathy for them must have been deep in the gentle philosopher of the garden: O male deuoti, praetorum crimina, agelli! Tuque inimica pii semper discordia ciuis. Exsul ego indemnatus egens mea rura reliqui, Miles ut accipiat funesti praemia belli. Hinc ego de tumulo mea rura nouissima uisam, Hinc ibo in siluas: obstabunt iam mihi colles, Obstabunt montes, campos audire licebit.

Grotius did not confine himself to writing small pieces of verse: he rose to tragedy. We have three written by him. The first was called Adamus exsul. He sent it to Lipsius, who liked it ; and it was printed at Leyden in 1601.

It may have been built in the latter part of his long sojourn. And the stumps of the great round pillars of the choir are most likely of the same date. The use of such pillars is a fashion English rather than Norman; but it is hard to believe that the "tenellus exsul" from Ettingsham brought with him any architectural tastes.

One asks whether Orderic, "tenellus exsul" in his Norman monastery, like Joseph in Egypt hearing a strange language, ever stopped to think of the true meaning of his patron's name, how the softened Ebrulfus and Evroul disguised the two fierce beasts which went to make up the name of Eoforwulf.

"Telephus et Peleus, quum pauper et exsul uterque, Projicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba"? Was this to prove that he recognized a wandering prince in his opponent? thought Malcolm; but, much on his guard, he made answer, as usual, in his native tongue. 'That which is not touched and held is but a vain and fleeting shadow "solvitur in nube."