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No, decidedly, I am afraid," and he leaned with every appearance of contentment against Johnny's shoulder. "How about you, Mr. Wendell?" "I think I will, if Miss Sydney will trust me with the horse." "Of course; and I'll give you a lovely prize if you bring me the head." "It's yours," cried John, while Friedrich bit his lip, in annoyance, and thought on the Ewigweibliche.

Her strong hold was the majestic. She appeared to have it fixed she wanted to be kittenish. That was the way it seemed to me. But Kreps studied her mornings and afternoons and into the night, and day after day it went on, and she bothered him. Then he saw he was on the wrong tack, and put his helm about, and he says: "She is de Ewigweibliche. She is not science. She is boetry.

Krafft went across to where Madeleine was standing, put his hands on her two shoulders, and laid his head on his right arm, so that she, who was taller than he was, looked down on the roundnesses of his curly hair. "You're a good fellow, Mada a good fellow! JA, JA who knows! If you had had just a little more of the EWIGWEIBLICHE about you!"

We called her "Liebchen" and she surely acted singular, did Liebchen, but I liked her too. Kreps said she was "symbol," but his ideas and mine didn't agree. He said she was a type of the "Ewigweibliche," which is another good word though a Dutch one. Maybe she was. Maybe Veronica was another type. I guess it's a word that's got some varieties to it.

But beware lest she provoke us too far. The Ewigweibliche has become too literal a fact, and in our reaction against this everlasting woman question we shall develop in unexpected directions. Her cry for equal purity will but end in the formal institution of the polygamy of the Orient "

Kreps was a man very given to sentiments, in particular about "Ewigweibliche," and I never knew a man that kept himself more entertained. He settled down for the time, with Veronica and Kamelillo for his family, in a fine house in the upper town of San Francisco. Kamelillo used to cook unlikely things which Kreps and Veronica ate peaceable between them.

He turned away his eyes, thinking of his friend and of the wide gulf which had opened between them, so that he but half heard and did not understand the comment she made softly. "The ewigweibliche in masculine shape," she murmured, smiling to herself. "When the real came, it couldn't hold its power any longer." "What?" he asked. "Nothing. I was speaking in riddles.

She is de sharm of everlasting feminine," and he heaved a sigh. I says: "Ewigweibliche!" I says. "Everlasting feminine! What's the use of that?" I took to studying Liebchen too, and it appeared to me Kreps' idea wasn't useful He was a man to have sentiments naturally.