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The acte d'accusation enlarged on the situation, then went on to bring in Joseph Meilhan as Euphemie's accomplice. It made him out to be a bad old man indeed. He had seduced, it was said, a young girl named Lescure, who became enceinte, afterwards dying from an abortion which Meilhan was accused of having procured.

"At length this twisted knot disentangled itself again. Euphemie's brother began to recover, the former projects were brought forward again, and my overwhelming passion was compelled to give place by degrees to a calm resignation.

But the state of my own feelings was such, that I was soon disqualified from observing others around me. Euphemie's brother, the pride of his family, fell into an illness, which had all the appearance of consumption, and now the parents thought of marrying their daughter to a man of distinction, that through her their name and large fortune might be perpetuated in the world.

Her choice was already made. ``If I marry again, she said, a few days after the death of Lacoste, ``I won't take anybody but M. Henri Berens, of Tarbes. He was my first love. The accusation told of Euphemie's departure for Tarbes, where almost her first caller was this M. Henri Berens.

Euphemie's position in the house was little better than that of head domestic servant, but in this her lot was the common one for wives of her station in this part of France. She appeared to be contented enough with it.

The accusation claimed that a young man had several times been seen leaving Euphemie's apartments at midnight, and spoke of protests made by Mme Fourcade. Euphemie declared herself indifferent to public opinion. Public opinion, however, beginning to rise against her, Euphemie had need to resort to lying in order to explain her husband's death.

Evidence from a business-man in Tarbes showed that Mme Lacoste's handling of her fortune was careful to a degree, her expenditure being well within her income. This witness also proved that the Fourcades' evidence of Euphemie's misbehaviour could have been dictated from spite. Fourcade had been found out in what looked like a swindle over money which he owed to the Lacoste estate.