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"Twenty horses for one tiger yes," replied Benito; "but suppose the horses don't choose to remain here. Supposing, what is likely enough to happen, we have an estampeda the horses will be off. Now the jaguar knows very well he cannot overcome a horse unless he does so in the first bound or two. I will not follow the horses then, but will stay by the water, and of course by us as well.

"An estampeda!" said the cibolero, in a husky voice; "my poor mules all gone every one of them! A curse upon Indian duplicity!" Carlos had not the slightest doubt but that the marauders were the Wacoes the very same from whom he had purchased the mules.

What if they had taken the Wacoes by surprise, and had already made their attack! It was quite probable more than probable. The time and the hour were just in keeping. The estampeda had occurred before midnight. No doubt they were then on their way to the Waco village. They would just be in time to make their attack, at the usual hour for such forays, between midnight and morning.

The effect upon the horses was now exhibited in a complete estampeda, for these animals, seeing they could no longer rely upon their masters for protection, preferred trusting to their heels, and one and all of them broke away in a wild gallop.

A party of them might easily be afoot it was not such a distance to their camp, besides, after the estampeda they had gone in that very direction! No doubt, should he go there on the morrow, they would tell him that Panes were in the neighbourhood, that it was they who had stolen his mules the mules of course he would not see, as these would be safely concealed among the hills.

He had determined upon it, and was just on the point of communicating his determination to his companions, when he was interrupted by the half-blood Antonio. "Master," said the latter, who appeared to have been for some time busied with his own thoughts, "did you notice nothing strange?" "When, Antonio?" "During the estampeda." "What was there strange?"