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Espère, il reviendra! which particularly applied to Francezka and Gaston. I saw the eyes of Francezka and Gaston meet when this strain was sweetly played; they sat, after the French custom, opposite each other in the middle of the long table. Francezka's eyes were those of an angel, and Gaston's were so full of pride, of love, of triumph, that they shone like stars.

The supper was very grand; the old Marquis Capello's wine flowed like water; there was a servant in livery behind every other chair; the table was loaded with delicacies; and musicians played soft music from the gallery, the guests joining in the singing. Many old songs were sung, like the ancient Carillon du Verre, and some new ones especially one, a song of hope, beginning, Espère!

Je crois que mes notes sur les aquafortistes iront plus vite que je ne l'avais espere. J'ai deja termine Claude, Salvator, Wilkie, Geddes, Ruysdael, Paul Potter. J'arriverai a ma vingtaine si ma sante se maintient pendant tout mon sejour. Je reserve le samedi et le dimanche a Kew pour ecrire ou dessiner. "Je m'etonne du mauvais de certains aqua-fortistes celebres.

Homme de zele et de conscience, il vient de se demettre des fonctions elevees et lucratives qu'il exercait a l'Athenee, celles de Prefet des Etudes, parce qu'il ne peut y realiser le bien qu'il avait espere, introduire l'enseignement religieux dans le programme des etudes.