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The sister glanced at him with a deepening of that curious air of mockery and let fall two words in the same tongue. Then she turned to Arlee. "Je suis enchantée d'avoir cet honneur cet honneur inattendu " She did not look remarkably enchanted, however.

"Mais, comment! Toi ici, grosse bête! Et moi qui t'croyais " "'Tais pas d'tapage, Lily! Il faut m'respecter! 'Suis ici l'Pape!" With great difficulty Padre Irene made her listen to reason, for Lily was enchanteé to meet in Manila an old friend who reminded her of the coulisses of the Grand Opera House.

The double banquet of the household troops, the approbation the queen had expressed, J'ai ete enchantee de la journee de Jeudi the king's refusal to accept simply the Rights of Man, his concerted temporizings, and the want of provisions, excited the alarm of the representatives of the people and filled them with suspicion.

"I will never make another, your Highness," he answered. Every one is very much excited about a young Swedish girl called Christine Nilsson, who has walked right into the star-light, for she really is a star of the first magnitude. She has studied with Wachtel only one year, and behold her now singing at the Theatre Lyrique to crowded audiences in the "Flute Enchantee."

Then such huggings and kissings, such showers of French from Madame, and of mingled French and Italian from the Signor, while Tulee stood by, throwing up her hand, and exclaiming, "Bless the Lord! bless the Lord!" The parrot listened with ear upturned, and a lump of sugar in her claw, then overtopped all their voices with the cry of "Bon jour, Rosabella! je suis enchantée."