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They came at length to rocky ground; sometimes stepping upon moss-covered stones, sometimes passing beneath stunted fir-trees, and again through green meadows. The landscape was always changing, but ever above them towered the lofty snow-clad mountains, whose names not only Rudy but every other child knew "The Jungfrau," "The Monk and the Eiger."

On our right, through the veil, half of rain, half of gauzy mist, which filled the air, arose a precipice indeed the whole bulk it was of the Eiger mountain, which the mist brought so near that it seemed literally to overhang the road. Clara looked up for a moment, but betrayed no sign of awe. 'Yes, I think that will do, she said. 'Though you are only at the foot of it? I suggested.

The route is by way of Lauterbrunnen, Wengen, and the Scheidegg, and after skirting the Eiger Glacier going by tunnel into the very bowels of the mountain. At Eigerwand, Rotstock, and Eismeer are stations, great galleries blasted out of the rock, with corridors leading to openings from which one has marvelous views.

To the right, at the foot of the lake, tower the great snowy mountains, the cone of the Schreckhorn, the square top of the Eiger, the Jungfrau, just showing over the hills, and the Blumlisalp rising into heaven clear and silvery. What can one do in such a spot, but swim in the lake, lie on the shore, and watch the passing steamers and the changing light on the mountains?

To the right, at the foot of the lake, tower the great snowy mountains, the cone of the Schreckhorn, the square top of the Eiger, the Jungfrau, just showing over the hills, and the Blumlisalp rising into heaven clear and silvery. What can one do in such a spot, but swim in the lake, lie on the shore, and watch the passing steamers and the changing light on the mountains?

The blue waters, fringed with brilliant foliage; the trees in their autumn glory, the rowan-berries making patches of scarlet here and there, the solemn pines capping the mountain height, and at the head of the lake beautiful, dazzling, majestic the snow-clad range of Eiger, Monck, and Jungfrau.

He did so by pointing with his stick to what he took to be the highest summit of the range, and saying: "I suppose that's the Jungfrau." The stranger moved nearer him. "No, you're too far to the west. That's the Breithorn. There's the Jungfrau" he, too, pointed with his stick "sentineled by the Eiger and the Mönch."

In the north-west, the Lake of Geneva and the Jura; then, descending towards the south, a chaos of mountains and glaciers, beyond description, overlooked by the masses of Monte Rosa, the Mischabelhoerner, the Cervin, the Weishorn the most beautiful of crests, as Tyndall calls it and farther off by the Jungfrau, the Monck, the Eiger, and the Finsteraarhorn.

They confessed, with the frank cordiality peculiar to these brave mountaineers, that their experience would be of no service in the expedition I was undertaking, as they had never attempted any one like it. They knew, however, the perils of the glaciers, for every day they risked their lives among them. But Bohren, who had ventured the farthest, had not passed beyond the grotto of the Eiger.

Across vineyard slopes and patches of agricultural land, the Lake of Neuchatel lay blue as a southern sea, while beyond it, in a line of white that the sunset soon would turn to pink and gold, stretched the whole range of Alps, from Mont Blanc to where the Eiger and the Weisshorn signalled in the east. They filled the entire horizon, already cloud-like in the haze of coming summer.