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If I thought so I'd leave at once." "Where would you go?" inquired Tom, looking out across the tumbling ocean, which had hardly had a chance to subside from the gale, ere it was again set in a turmoil by the earth-tremor. "That's so there isn't a place to escape to," went on the eccentric man, with something like a groan. "We are in a bad place do you think there'll be more quakes, Tom?"

He sat up quickly and called out: "What's the matter?" "Eh? What's that? Bless my soul! What's going on?" shouted Mr. Damon. "Did you shake me?" inquired Tom. "I? No. What ?" Then they realized that another earth-tremor was making the whole island tremble. Tom leaped from his blankets, followed by Mr. Damon and Mr. Fenwick, and rushed outside the shack.

The radar had said the thing which appeared in mid-air did so eighty miles away. The static-burst was simultaneous. There was a twenty-second interval between the static and the arrival of the earth-tremor waves. The static and the appearance of something from nowhere and the point of origin of the earth-shock matched up. They were one event.

"It's a concussion-wave," said Soames soberly. "It arrived four hundred odd seconds after the static. Eighty miles.... A noise has to be pretty loud to travel so far! A ground-shock has to be rather sharp to be felt as an earth-tremor at eighty miles.

Wonder not, therefore, that I decline to express absolute confidence in any fact, however seemingly obvious, such as that two and two are four, and that I prefer to say the blood-red color of this river MAY be caused by an earth-tremor or a land-slip, rather than positively assert that it MUST be so; though I confess that, as far as my knowledge guides me, I incline to the belief that 'MUST be' is in this instance the correct term."