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She's sent transportation and an escort." "She expected an E-Team?" No one was supposed to know about an E-Team, not even the person who'd called for help; teams that came in openly, like his, had covers that would allow them to go around asking questions about anything and everything. "Yes, sir." King gave her team leader a wry grin.

Still, no one asked for that sort of intervention without some reason; it was up to the E-Team to find out whether the reason was valid, and if so what degree of intervention was really justified. He certainly didn't want to call in a fleet no E-Team leader did but he would if he had to.

"Since you are head of an E-Team, I'm sure you saw at least part of yesterday's `Narvon Tonight, and read the spaceport newsjournals while you were waiting for your test results. I hope you weren't too distressed at finding yourself susceptible." "Not overly, my Lady." She'd been IntelDiv, all right, Thompson thought.

"I'm afraid she was in IntelDiv herself, on an E-Team, before her brother died and she was named to succeed. I'd guess one of her former teammates let her know we were assigned here." That sounded likely; it was just a good thing the problem had solved itself before his team had to file its evaluation. "Was she upset?" "No, sir. Pleased." "That's good, I suppose."

Thompson kept from scowling by an effort of will. "When's the transport supposed to get here?" "Should be already, sir." "It figures." If the Count had expected them, she'd probably given orders that she be notified when ten Marines arrived; being former E-Team herself, she'd be able to guess that with the primary danger past, they'd be likely to come in openly. "Main entrance?" "Yes, sir."

E-Team, yes, but he'd be willing to bet she'd been a field agent before that and that she'd set up the interview with her Chief of Detectives and had a complete set of journals waiting for him. She'd know better than to try misleading him, with her background, but Thompson could understand her setting things up to let him get information without too much effort.

He didn't particularly like weapons, but procedure called for E-Teams to carry them unless doing so would be more dangerous than not, which didn't seem to be the case here. Landing openly, even an E-Team had to go through Customs and Health, which was routine enough until a tech told Thompson that he needed blood samples to test for susceptibility to the nosferatu pseudo-virus. "What's that?"