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Farrer's article in the last Fortnightly? It reminded me of an article on bequests by you some years ago which interested and almost converted me. Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon. January 9, 1880. My dear Darwin, It is a great pleasure to receive a letter from you sometimes especially when we do not differ very much. I am, of course, much pleased and gratified that you like my article.

I keep moderately well, but always feel half-dead, yet manage to work away on vegetable physiology, as I think that I should die outright if I had nothing to do. Believe me yours very sincerely, Walron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon. September 23, 1878. Dear Darwin, Many thanks for your signature and good wishes.

But, thank Heaven, what little more I can do in science will be confined to observation on simple points. However much I may have blundered, I have done my best, and that is my constant comfort. Most truly yours, Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon. September 14, 1878.

In these we can see her anxiously nursing him through childish ailments, taking him out for his daily walk to Duppas Hill with a captain's biscuit in her muff, for fear he should be hungry by the way; we hear her teaching him his first lessons, with astonishment at his wonderful memory, and glorying with Nurse Anne over his behaviour in church; and all these things she retails in gossiping letters to her husband, while Mr.

On the 22nd February in the latter year, after the parade on Duppas Hill, Croydon, when the regiment arrived at the depôt, the commanding officers of companies had to receive the signatures of all those who wished to extend their services, when called upon for any period in that same year not exceeding forty-two days.