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This measure is applied to white, coarse, native-woven cotton, and a piece of cotton eight drâas long and one inch and half broad is a gubga. This is the money of Bornou; it must be a most inconvenient currency, but habit accustoms us to everything.

"I suppose old hands were young uns once, Master Linseed," said he; "and if the boy were never much at oak-graining, I'd back him for sign-painting, if he were taught. Why, the pigs he draas out, look you. I could cut 'em up, and not a piece missing; not a joint, nor as much as would make a pound of sausages. And if a draas pigs, why not osses, why not any other kind?" "Ay, ay!" said the company.

And there's the sixpence, Jan; and if thee minds pigs as well as 'ee draas 'em, I don't care how long 'ee minds mine." The object of his visit being now accomplished, Jan took up his hat to depart, but an important omission struck him, and he turned to say, "What'll 'ee give me for minding your pigs, Master Salter?" Master Salter was economical, and Jan was small, and anxious for the place.

There are, however, various herbs for this seasoning, though all of them have a similar flavour. I confess, myself, I do not much like the flavour; it is, like that of olives, an acquired taste. Bazeen may be called flour-pudding. Denham, who spells it gubka, says it is about one English yard. The eight drâas would be, however, nearly three yards.