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The Lawns were there, the Minsters, the Craigs from Wyossett, the Grays of Shadow Lake, the Draymores, Fanes, Mottlys, Cardwells in fact, it seemed as though all Long Island had been drained from Cedarhurst to Islip and from Oyster Bay to Wyossett, to pour a stream of garrulous and animated youth and beauty into the halls and over the verandas and terraces and lawns of Hitherwood House.

"Oh, I can stand their opinions," he said; "I only meet the yellow sort occasionally; I don't herd with them." "I do, thank you." "How do you like them? What is your opinion of the yellow set? Here they sit all about you the Phoenix Mottlys, Mrs. Delmour-Carnes yonder, the Draymores, the Orchils, the Vendenning lady, the Lawns of Westlawn " he paused, then deliberately "and the 'Jack' Ruthvens.

A jolly informality made up for Austin's shortcoming; Gerald and his pretty bride were the centres of delighted curiosity from the Minster twins and the Innis girls and Evelyn Cardwell all her intimates. And the younger Draymores, the Grays, Lawns, and Craigs were there in force gay, noisy, unembarrassed young people who seemed scarcely younger or gayer than the young matron, their hostess.

Phil, it was an anxious problem for me and although I didn't really want Eileen to marry into that set still with the Draymores' position and tremendous influence But she merely stared at him in cold astonishment. And there were others, too, callow for the most part. . . . Phil?" "What?" he said, laughing.