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Sometimes he drove her from cover, and then she wildly dashed up-hill and down-dale, seeking another thicket; but wherever she went, the Cardinal was only a breath behind her, and with every passing mile his passion for her grew. There was no time to eat, bathe, or sing; only mile after mile of unceasing pursuit.

And here's Tom Tripe riding up-hill and down-dale, laming his horse and sweating through a clean tunic with a threat in his ear and a reward promised that he'll never see a smell of while the princess is smoking cigarettes " "In very good company!" "In good company, aye; but not out of mischief, I'll be bound! Naughty, naughty!" he said, wagging a finger at her.

He complained that none of his German friends cared for climbing or walking, and asked whether I would accompany him on one of his expeditions. So a week later we went again to the Harz, and Vieweg led me an interminable and very rough walk up-hill and down-dale.

Rene lied up-hill and down-dale, while in a corner of the room Francois monotonously wept. Fate grinned and went on with her weaving. "Necessite Faict Gens Mesprende" The Rue Saint Jacques had toothsome sauce for its breakfast. The quarter smacked stiff lips over the news, as it pictured Francois de Montcorbier dangling from Montfaucon.

For, though the choice was not great, being simply a question of up-hill or down-dale, it was as bad as if there had been half a dozen ways before them, as they had not the least idea which of the two was the right one!

In the earlier days it was the king's highway, and along its up-hill and down-dale course the battalions of royal troops marched and counter-marched to the call of bugles that have gone silent these hundred years and more.