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That La Cosa based the northern part of his map upon Cabot's discoveries is demonstrated by the English flags marked along the coast and the legend "Mar descubierto por Ingleses," because no English but the Cabot expeditions had been there; and what is evidently intended for Cape Race is called "Cavo de Ynglaterra."

John an independent testimony to the landfall of 1497 not off Cape North, which does not yet appear, nor inside the gulf, for it is not even indicated but in the Atlantic Ocean, at the cape of Cape Breton the "Cavo descubierto" of La Cosa.

This is possible in anything like clear weather, but, in the bright weather of Midsummer Day, Cape Ray would necessarily have been seen from St. Paul's, and the opening might well have been taken for a deep indentation of the coast. Between "Cavo descubierto" and "Cavo St. Jorge" such an indentation is shown on the map, but the line is closed, showing that Cabot did not sail through.

It is stated elsewhere that on the same day, opposite the land, an island was also discovered; and in fact upon the Madrid fac-simile two small islands are found, one of which is near Cavo descubierto. The name "the Discovered Cape" at the extreme end of a series of names tells its own story. Cabot overran Cape Race and went south of St.

La humanidad ha descubierto una nueva luz y su antorcha iluminará aunque los errores y preocupaciones de los hombres se empeñen en cubrirla de tinieblas. ¡Ay de los que resistan la luz! El mundo marcha, no se detiene en su progreso. Los que quieran quedar atrás se quedarán porque es dado a los seres humanos ese albedrío, pero será para lamentar más tarde su culpa y su retraso.