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"you have this Information Without feer of any of above statements Being Denide "I remain Resptfully Hamilton laughed as he returned the letter to the supervisor, who had just come back with his hat and gloves as the boy finished reading the epistle. "I don't think I need have been afraid of any of those three as rivals," he said, "that is, if our friend is right.

His chick and mouth be wry wi' scar o' burns or vitterel, an' no wiskers, bless you; but my Tom ee toll him he knowed him for Master Doodley. I ant seed him; but he sade ad shute Tom soon is look at 'im, an' denide it, wi' mouthful o' curses and oaf. Tom baint right shure; if I seed un wons i'd no for sartin; but 'appen,'twil best be let be. This was all.

Whether would ye, Sir? Serv. Sir, to desire accesse unto my Lord Were to ask that I know must be denide, And therefore I forbeare it; but intreating What cannot wrong you in the graunt, I hope To find you curteous. Pro. What's the Suit? Serv. This onely: My Lord, your prisoner, for my service gave me A poore house with an Orchard in the Cuntry.

Leid. This cannot be denide. Bar. And so at any time we may make our peace, Returning to our first obedience Upon what termes we please. Mod. That is not certaine; For, should we tempt them once to bring their forces Against the Towne and find we give it up For want of strength to keepe it, the Conditions To which we must subscribe are in their will And not our choice or pleasure. Bar.