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But an unexpected formidable dilemma arose when Captain Pharo, braced up to such a degree by his dinner and his pipe, declared that "He didn't know as he should be took to any dagarrier's, after all! Tide and wind both serve f'r a fa'r sail home," said he, "and I'm a-goin'." "Not till we've been to a tobacconist's," said I, "anyway." I purchased a quantity of smoking tobacco.

"Say! come to have your pictures took?" bawled the first merry fellow, as the height of sarcasm and quintessence of a joke. "Look a' here, major," almost wept poor Captain Pharo, "how in thunder 'd they find that out?" "Never mind," said I; "we're going up to the hotel, and we'll have a better dinner than they ever dreamed of." "Afore I'm took to the dagarrier's?" "Yes, indeed."

"See here, wife!" said Captain Pharo, completely broken down for we were all suffering, as usual, from the generic emptiness and craving of our natures for food "major says 't we're goin' up to git baited, afore I'm took to the dagarrier's." "I wish 't you could have your picture took jest as you look now, Captain Pharo Kobbe!" exclaimed his wife kindly and admiringly.

There is always somebody sick or hurt; and the poplar trees, that the cross was made from, are always trembling and sighing: but some time Christ will lay his hand upon them, and they will be still and blessed again." "Ever sence the accident," said Captain Pharo, with a gloom not wholly impersonal, "my woman 's been d'tarmined to haul me over to a dagarrier's to have my pictur' took.