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They were thick and round, and about two inches across, indented in the middle, like a rosette. They were not soft and creamy, but hard and crunchy, though how much of this latter property rose from the lack of absolute freshness, I am not prepared to say, for it was a standing joke with the boys that Simon had once been heard to remark that he hadn't gotten in his summer stock of candy yet.

Now he rose solemnly, selected a fresh-baked pill, bowed to the right, again to the left, last of all, to her and presented the pill. "In that case, Miss Gwendolyn," he said, smiling down, "a toast!" And quite in contrast to the evening of her seventh birthday anniversary toast there was, deliciously crisp and crunchy! "Oo!

"Don't think that spirituality is divorced from the physical world," he was saying as he reached for a chip. "After you meditate a few years, you begin to see that Annam Brahma food is God." He then set the chips-and-cheese-laden tray in the oven. Sal observed intently, as though witnessing a ritual. Soon Atmananda and Sal were delivering trays of crunchy nachos.

Thus prompted, Gwendolyn fell to eating once more, turning her attention to the croutons bobbing about on the broth Each was square and crunchy, but not so brown as a bread-pill. "I shall now read my Johnnie Blake prescription," announced the Doctor, and held up a leaf from the pad. "Hm! Hm!"

Eating earthworms was not part of my diet or training, but once I saw Mr Shirke toss one into his mouth after being challenged to do so by one of the boys. I thought of trying this out and though I felt nauseated the first time I took a bite. I was okay the second time, for earthworms taste crunchy, like raw cucumber, not slimy and wet as they look.