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When they had finished portioning off the lettuce-leaves and salad on the plates, they swiftly set each one on a fresh crêpe-paper napkin. Sylvia professed an undying hatred for paper napkins. "I don't see why," said Judith. "They're so much less bother than the other kind when you're only going to use them once, this way."

The basement was so cleverly camouflaged and the table so charmingly decorated that the effect could not have been better in the most elaborate dining hall. Corn-stalks, crêpe-paper, candles, and favors worked wonders with the usually ugly room.

What do you say to a brisk walk along the lake shore to put us in a New Year frame of mind, and then a supper down-town somewhere, with a toast to Max and Norah?" "You've saved my life! Sit down here in the parlor and gaze at the crepe-paper oranges while I powder my nose and get into some street clothes. I have such a story to tell you! It has made me quite contented with my lot."

A crepe-paper lambrequin decorated the mantel-shelf, whose ornaments were a cup and saucer, a shaving-set, and a pair of conch-shells; while between the windows was a wash-stand obviously kept for ornamental purposes, as there was no water in the pitcher and the basin was cracked.

But instead of his usual sombrero, a chef's cap was perched on his head. "Chow! You look marvelous!" Sandy said. The cook blushed with pleasure. "You gals look purty enough to charm a hoot owl right off'n his perch!" he shot back. Both Phyl and Sandy were wearing gay calico dresses that had full swirling skirts. The room was decked out with colored bunting and twisted crepe-paper streamers.

Two long tables, each seating fourteen persons, were beautifully decorated with yellow crêpe-paper, favors, and large bunches of chrysanthemums in the center. The lights, too, were covered with yellow paper. "It's lovely!" cried Marjorie with delight. "And hockey season's over, so we can just eat and eat!" It was a typical Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and brown gravy, and cranberry sauce.