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The Dogs ran far away whenever they saw him coming with the rope in his hands. So he must needs practise on the unfortunate Coyotito. She soon learned that her only hope for peace was to hide in the kennel, or, if thrown at when outside, to dodge the rope by lying as flat as possible on the ground.

Five Coyotes hid along the side of the trail; one went forward and called till it had decoyed the rash Terrier, and then led him right into the ambush. What chance had he with six? They tore him limb from limb, and devoured him, too, at the very spot where once he had worried Coyotito.

The chain was fastened again, and Tito added to her ideas this, a horror of guns and the smell of gunpowder; and this also, that the one safety from them is to "lay low." There were yet other rude experiences in store for the captive. Poisoning Wolves was a topic of daily talk at the Ranch, so it was not surprising that Lincoln should privately experiment on Coyotito.

In answer to their question, "What is it?" a Mexican cow-hand, present said it was a Coyotito that is, a "little Coyote," and this, afterward shortened to "Tito," became the captive's name. Tito was a pretty little creature, with woolly body, a puppy-like expression, and a head that was singularly broad between the ears.