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I have watched, but can detect nothing. I am, however, suspicious, because she did not come to Connachan with us to-night." "Why?" "Walter Murie may know something, and may have told her." "If so, then to close her lips would be useless. It would only bring a heavier responsibility upon us and " But he hesitated, without finishing his sentence.

Hamilton pursed his lips. "Well," he exclaimed, "that's really most remarkable! Practically, the same legend is current in South Hungary regarding Hetzendorf. Strange very strange!" "Very," remarked the heir to the great estate of Connachan. "But, after all, cannot one very often trace the same legend through the folklore of various countries?

From that day I have lived in constant fear, until on the night of the ball at Connachan you remember the evening, dad? on that night Mr. Flockart returned in secret, beckoned me out upon the lawn, and showed me something which held me petrified in fear.

"Is it because I have annoyed you, that you perhaps think I am not keeping faith with you? I know I was absent a long time, but it was really not my own fault. My people made me go round the world. I didn't want to, I assure you. I'd far rather have been up here at Connachan all the time, and near you, my own well-beloved."

To those who had made mention of the Whispers among them his friend Murie, the Laird of Connachan; Lord Strathavon, from whom he had purchased the estate; and several of the neighbouring landowners he had always expressed a hope that one day he might be fortunate enough to hear the whispered counsel of the Evil One, and so decide for himself its true cause.

At length, however, he seemed to have realised that she now possessed the average intelligence of a young woman. He had never repeated those strange words he had uttered when, on the night of the ball at Connachan, he returned in secret to the castle and beckoned her out upon the lawn. He had, indeed, never referred to his curious action.