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"But however will we play it at all?" said Larry. "Listen, now," said Eileen. "I'll be Deirdre, of course. You can just be Naisi, Larry, and Dennis can be Conchubar, and he after us, and we running as fast as ever we can, to get away from him. You must give us a start, Dennis." Larry and Eileen took hold of hands, and began running as fast as they could.

Deirdre and Conchubar, and Angus and Maeve and Dectora and all the shadowy figures in them scarcely become embodied. Their lives and deaths and loves and hates are only a scheme on which they weave a delicate and dim embroidery of pure poetry of love and death and old age and the passing of beauty and all the sorrows that have been since the world began and will be till the world ends. If Mr.

Larry was covered with mud from the bog-hole, and Eileen and Dennis were wet and muddy from falling into the puddle. But they had the pig! "Sure, she is a beautiful little pig, and we'll call her Deirdre, because we found her in the bog just in the same way as Conchubar himself," said Larry. "Indeed, Deirdre was too beautiful altogether to be naming a pig after her," Eileen said.

"And Naisi says, says he, `I'll never be one to refuse a lady, but there'll be murder the day Conchubar finds it out! says he. "So they went away that same night, and the old woman fair distraught with fear. Soon along comes Conchubar to see Deirdre, for to marry her. And he had many men with him. When he finds Deirdre gone, `It's that Naisi, says he, `that stole her away. And he cursed him.

"The men of Conchubar pursued them up hill and down dale, and when they finally caught them, there was fighting that made the ground red with the blood spilled. "And when Naisi and his brothers were all caught together, and Conchubar was after killing them, sure, didn't Deirdre put an end to herself entirely, and the four of them were buried together in one grave."