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I done tooken my pattern f'om him f'om de beginnin, an' des de way I done heerd him argify de cases in de co't-house, dat's de way I lay out ter state my case befo' de Lord.

Hannah never knowed no peace again after she spoke them words in the co't-house. They come back an' harnted her, an' you know, Miss Downs, better 'n I do, being door-neighbors as one may say, how they lived their lives out like wild beasts into a lair." "They used to go out some by night to git the air," pursued Mrs. Downs with interest.

Now you know, missy, of co'se, dese heah broom weddin's dey ain't writ down in nuther co't-house nur chu'ch books an' so ef any o' dese heah smarty meddlers was to try to bring up ole sco'es an' say dat Sister Sophy-Sophia wasn't legally married, dey wouldn't be no witnesses but me an' de broom, an' I'd have to witness for it, an' an' I wouldn't be no legal witness."

He killed your brother Lester shot him in the co't-house yard." I wondered if Sam had heard. He pulled a twig from a mesquite bush, chewed it gravely, and said: "He did, did he? He killed Lester?" "The same," said Simmons. "And he did more. He run away with your girl, the same as to say Miss Ella Baynes. I thought you might like to know, so I rode out to impart the information."

Why dey was a yaller lady up heah at de crossroads wha' 'blongs ter my church who come purty nigh ter suein' me in de co't-house, all on account o' one o' my side glances, an' all de time, yer see, my reel glance, hit was settled on Mis' White, wha' sot in de middle pew but in cose she warn't Mis' White den; she was de Widder Simpson."