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Then I took my men over the garden wall over the palisades, y' know somehow or other, and the fun began. Hicksey had found the Boh in bed under a mosquito-curtain, and he had taken a flying jump on to him." "A flying jump!" said Cleever. "Is that also war?" "Yes," said The Infant, now thoroughly warmed.

Once we flushed 'em, the men on the ponies had the advantage of the men on foot. We held all the country absolutely quiet for ten miles round, in about a month. Then we took Boh Na-ghee, Hicksey and I and the civil officer. That was a lark!" "I think I am beginning to understand a little," said Cleever. "It was a pleasure to you to administer and fight?" "Rather!

Why should you have seen and done all these things before you have cut your wisdom-teeth?" "Don't know," said The Infant apologetically. "I haven't seen much only Burmese jungle." "And dead men, and war, and power, and responsibility," said Cleever, under his breath. "You won't have any sensations left at thirty, if you go on as you have done. But I want to hear more tales more tales!"

Cleever brought his hand down on the table with a thump that made the empty glasses dance. "That's Art!" he said. "Flat, flagrant mechanism! Don't tell me that happened on the spot!" The pupils of The Infant's eyes contracted to two pin-points. "I beg your pardon," he said slowly and stiffly, "but I am telling this thing as it happened." Cleever looked at him a moment.

"What are these interludes in a strange tongue?" said Cleever to me. "Professional information like the Mississippi pilots' talk," said I. "He did not approve of his major, who died a violent death. Go on, Infant." "Far too many orders. You couldn't take the Tommies out for a two days' daur -that's expedition without being blown up for not asking leave.

All will agree to condemn me as too warm too rash and get rich on privileges which they would not have been able to save but for a little rousing of spirit, which will not perhaps fall asleep again. Not being very cleever, as John Fraser used to say, at these pedigree matters, referred him to Mrs. Dr. Russell and Robt. Rutherford.