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Pique-Vinaigre, profiting by the noise and general commotion, had gained the court and knocked at the wicket, in order to inform the keepers of what was going on in the hall. The arrival of the soldiers put an end to the scene. Germain, Skeleton, and the Chourineur were conducted to the governor's presence; the first to lodge his complaint, the others to answer the charge of a fight in the prison.

"After having waited at Marseilles a long time for a vessel to depart for Algiers, the Chourineur, who seemed every day more sad and thoughtful, suddenly declared, the day being fixed for his departure, that he preferred to return to Paris." "How singular!"

"Down with Skeleton!" "That's the ticket, pals!" cried the Chourineur, addressing those prisoners who ranged themselves on his side; "you have hearts; you will not see a man murdered who is half dead; only cowards are capable of such conduct. Skeleton is no bad joker; he is condemned in advance; that is the reason why he urges you on.

But theory was a delusion in this instance; for the red dog Tanner sat there alone and surfeited with mutton, though there was a good deal of the ram still left. It is wonderful what an amount of crime can be committed, even by a small dog, when, like the Chourineur of Eugene Sue, he is under the glamour of blood.

"And without defense!" "One would be a regular Cut-in-half!" "So much the better!" answered the Cripple and the partisans of Skeleton. "One cannot do too much to a spy!" "Death to him!" "Fall upon him!" "Let us support Skeleton!" "Yes, yes! down with the Blue Cap!" "No; let us sustain the Blue Cap! hang the Skeleton!" answered the party of the Chourineur. "No; down with the Blue Cap!"