United States or French Southern Territories ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I wonder, O I wonder who that "prominent lawyer and sound money Democrat" was who got drunk at Charlie Cortizio's in Austin the other day and toasted Chollie Boy Culberson as "Texas' most distinguished son, the man who has done most to distinguish his state abroad" just a bummy little boost for Chollie Boy's anaemic senatorial boom?

I sincerely hope that he doesn't get that way often. It is a trifle difficult to determine whether he was pregnant with a great idea or full o' prunes whether he needed a tansy compound or a cathartic. Poor Chollie Boy! His senatorial boom must indeed be in a bad way when he must fill old boozers with beer to induce them to boost it.

Plucky fine sportsmen, these French beggars, ain't they? "'Well, you was about a thousand to one, Chollie, so I don't know as I blames em, says the orse-captain, laughin. "'All very well for you, grumbles Plumpy, mighty bitter. 'I suppose you bagged all your lot. "'Every mother's son on em, says t'other, chuckin himself off. 'Rare sport. Look there ! and he shows the edge of his sword.

Perhaps Whistletrigger has been talking to the agent of some mortgage company or to Colonel Hogg who's making so much money compromising railroad cases with the Chollie Boy Culberson administration and suppressing prize-fights for $2,500 fees that he really cannot afford to serve Texas in the United States Senate.

"'Just your luck, Bill, says Chollie. 'I sweats my soul out to get up in time, and just when I'm there, up you larrups on them blame ole camels o your'n, and dashes the cup from my lips. Who'd be a foot-slogger? says he; and he takes the other by the arm; 'Now tell us all about it. "'Why that's soon told, says the orse-captain.