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I can speak for one, at all events; and he always has an ear open for it by the middle of April. It is the voice of a friend, a friend so true and gentle and confiding that we do not care to ask whether his voice be smooth and his speech eloquent. The chipper's congener, the field sparrow, is less neighborly than he, but a much better musician.

His wonderment turned to dismay when the Texan skillfully poked a safety through the infield and went romping to first, cheered by the crowd. "Never mind, cap," encouraged Copley; "the weak ones follow. You won't have any trouble with this undersized accident." A remark which inflamed Cooper, in spite of Chipper's pretense that he did not hear it.

"I reckon as mebbe ut wuz a kidnapin' an' I reckon as mebbe ut wuzn't," The Hopper began unhurriedly. "I live over Shell Road way; poultry and eggs is my line; Happy Hill Farm. Stevens's the name Charles S. Stevens. An' I found Shaver 'scuse me, but ut seemed sort o' nat'ral name fer 'im? I found 'im a settin' up in th' machine over there by my place, chipper's ye please.

Their "songs in the night" seemed nowise surprising. I fancied that I could be happy myself in such a case. Our familiar and ever-welcome snow-bird, known in some quarters as the black chipping-bird, and often called the black snow-bird, has a long trill, not altogether unlike the common chipper's, but in a much higher key.