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Updated: September 29, 2024
"Paurdon! paurdon!" said Mungo, every part of the chart-like face thrilled with some uncontrollable sense of drollery, and he exploded in laughter more violent than ever. "Mungo!" cried his master in the accent of authority. The domestic drew himself swiftly to attention. "Mungo!" said his master, "you're a damned fool! In the army ye would have got the triangle for a good deal less.
It seemed surprising, somehow, that it should be such a simple looking room. Karl was doing something with some tubes, writing something on a chart-like thing. Something in the expression of his face as he bent over the work carried her back to other days. "Karl," she said abruptly, "why don't you and I have any quarrels about which is greater science or art?"
He sprang to his feet, his face turned livid with fear, and he thrust into his breast the chart-like paper which he had been originally studying. ""So!" said I. "This is how you repay the trust which we have reposed in you. You will leave my service to-morrow." "'He bowed with the look of a man who is utterly crushed, and slunk past me without a word.
He sprang to his feet, his face turned livid with fear, and he thrust into his breast the chart-like paper which he had been originally studying. "'So! said I, 'this is how you repay the trust which we have reposed in you! You will leave my service to-morrow. "'He bowed with the look of a man who is utterly crushed, and slunk past me without a word.
He wandered about the bomb-proof case-mates hewn out of the solid rock, caring nothing for the number and calibre of the guns, their armoured protection, or the chart-like diagrams upon the walls, ranges and the like. "What a glorious evening!" Paul was saying as, at sunset, they set their faces towards the valley beyond which lay shattered Germany.
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