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Hercules is the god of strength, perhaps Thor. Certis diebus. Statis diebus. Guen. Humanis hostiis. Even facere in the sense of sacrifice is construed with abl. Virg. Ec. 3, 77. Quoque==even. For its position in the sentence, cf. note, 3. Concessis animalibus. Such as the Romans and other civilized nations offer, in contradistinction to human sacrifices, which the author regards as in-concessa.

Marcius, crossing the river Baetis, which the natives call Certis, received the submission of two powerful cities without a contest.

Thus we learn that here, at Venosa, the Emperor deposited that marvel, that tentorium, I mean, mirifica arte constructum, in quo imagines solis et lunce artificialiter motte, cursum suum certis et debitis spatiis peragrant, et boras diei et noctis in-fallibiliter indicant. Cuius tentorii valor viginti millium marcarum pretium dicitur transcendisse. It was given him by the Sultan of Babylonia.

Audaciter is of importance as showing that c before i must have been pronounced just like c in any other position, not as in modern Italian. CERTIS SENSIBUS: Acad. 2, 19 integris incorruptisque sensibus. IPSA ... QUAE: see n. on 26. COAGMENTAVIT: Cic. is fond of such metaphors; cf. CONGLUTINAVIT: a still more favorite metaphor than coagmentare. IAM: 'further', so below.

Polum etiam Magnetis haud longe vltra Tabin situm esse, certis Magnetis obseruationibus didici: circa quem et Tabin plurimos esse scopulos, difficilemque et periculosam nauigationibus existimo: difficiliorem tamen ad Cathaium accessum fore opinor, ea pua nunc via in Occidentem tentatur.