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The contrivance is almost finished, the lords in Mansoul that are Diabolonians are at it day and night, and the other are like silly doves; they want heart to be concerned with their state and to consider that ruin is at hand. Besides you may, yea, must think, when you put all things together, that there are many reasons that prevail with Diabolus to make what haste he can. Cerb.

And would I might be put at the head of a thousand of them, that I might also show my valour against the famous town of Mansoul. Prof. Your wish may come to pass; you look like one that has mettle enough, and my lord will have with him those that are valiant and stout. But my business requires haste. Cerb. Ay, so it does.

I have an answer to it here in my bosom, that I am sure will make our masters that sent me glad; for the contents thereof are to encourage them to pursue their design to the utmost, and to be ready also to fall on within, when they shall see my Lord Diabolus beleaguering the town of Mansoul. Cerb. But does he intend to go against them himself? Prof. Does he!

Profane did meet, they were presently as great as beggars, and thus they fell into discourse about Mansoul, and about the project against her. 'Ah! old friend, quoth Cerberus, 'art thou come to Hell-Gate Hill again? By St. Mary, I am glad to see thee! Prof. Yes, my lord, I am come again about the concerns of the town of Mansoul. Cerb.