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He pointed to a cave in the rocks far above, and told her of the dwellers of old who had hollowed it out for a home; of the stone axes and jars of clay, the corn mills and sandals woven of yucca that were found there; and of other curious cave-houses in this part of the country; giving in answer to her wondering questions much curious information, the like of which she had never heard before.

This is true more especially of the villages of the plains and mesa tops, for neither cave-houses nor cavate dwellings are found in the immediate vicinity of the inhabited Tusayan pueblos.

No member is permitted to dispose of a single piece of his workmanship to a purchaser; he may not sell in gross any more than he may in detail. The cave-houses are comfortably and neatly furnished, and their appearance and that of their inhabitants proclaims well-being, content and cheerfulness.

Unlike the ordinary desert peoples, the women were veiled; only their dark eyes were visible to the stranger whom they flocked to see. They showed great surprise when Michael spoke to one of the men in fluent Arabic. At Michael's suggestion that the Omdeh's house would be like one of the cave-houses, Abdul had flung back his head.

If you strike something big, here I've got my store and mine, and plenty of other claims, to boot; and if there's a rush I stand to make a clean-up on some of my other properties. So come up to the house and meet my wife and daughter, and we'll try to make you comfortable. But that old feller " "Nope," said Big Boy, "I think I'd rather camp who lives in those cave-houses up there?"