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Imagine the present performance heaped up only relieved by caterwauls of about equal quality and that from 6 A. M. until 'lights out." "I don't want to imagine it, thank you, Holmes; so spare what little of that faculty I still retain. But, say now, when was this eventful voyage?" "In the summer of '84." "Precisely. I remember now.

As might perhaps have been anticipated, the distinction of being selected for portraiture under these painful circumstances has a slight tendency to breed domestic jars, especially when the portrait is burnt in front of the house of the gay deceiver whom it represents, while a powerful chorus of caterwauls, groans, and other melodious sounds bears public testimony to the opinion which his friends and neighbours entertain of his private virtues.

It was a boy, who was named Dirck, after the saint Theodoric, who had first, long ago, built a church in the village. Then Puss opened her mouth and lungs again and set up a regular cat-scream. This wakened all her other relatives in the village and every Tom and Kitty made answer, until there was a cat concert of meouws and caterwauls.

He said nothing to me then, but later complained to Billy, asking, "What did we come for?" Next morning at dawn I dreamed I was back in New York and that a couple of cats were wailing under my bedroom window. Their noise increased so that I awoke, and then I heard unaccountable caterwauls. They were very loud and near, at least one of the creatures was. At length I got up to see.

"She put her hands on her hips, looked at me, and laughed to herself, and then she said: "'Yes, Johnny, you can go. But be sure and take a club with you. I think you'll be a great help." Just as Martin had finished his story we heard a series of the most terrific screeches and caterwauls. "Heavens and earth, man," said Hector, "what's that? That must be the father of all cats."