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Makoos gave a tug, but Neewa held on, and bit deeper. Then Makoos drew up his leg and sent it out like a catapault, and in spite of his determination to hang on Neewa found himself sailing wildly through the air.

There was a bang at the door, which flew open as if assaulted by a catapault, and into the room poured the disguised freshmen. The Indians leaped upon the masked sophomores, and for a short time a very sharp struggle took place. Bruce Browning did his best to escape from the room, but three of the savages laid hold of him, and he was finally subdued.

"But there," the Stranger said, getting impatient even with his own reading, "I needn't read it all. It is the same thing all along the line. I've got the Method introduced into the Department Stores. Before this every customer who came in wasted time trying to find the counters. Now we install a patent springboard, with a mechanism like a catapault.

He stood with white face and clenched hands, leaning over the water boiling at his feet, cursing softly in his helplessness. To him came the last terrible cries of the perishing animals. He saw head after head go under. Out of the white spume of a great rock against which the flood split itself with the force of an avalanche he saw one horse pitched bodily, as if thrown from a huge catapault.

You are my friends, and one doesn't mind what one's friends do. One's friends are one's friends." Suddenly, then, Markovitch jerked himself forward, "just as though," Bohun afterwards described it to me, "he had shot himself out of a catapault." "Tell me," he said, "is your English friend in love with my wife?"