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Why would it not often be well so to name places, for the bird that most frequents the surrounding woods or fields? How pleasant to have one's hamlet called Nightingale, or Whippoorwill, or Goldfinch, or Oriole! The home of Zoséphine and Bonaventure's childhood was in the district known as Carancro; in bluff English, Carrion Crow.

On the morrow Bonaventure was to leave Carancro. And now he said, "Zoséphine, I must go." "Ah, Bonaventure!" she replied, "my children what will my children do? It is not only that you have taught them to spell and read, though God will be good to you for that! But these two years you have been every thing to them every thing. They will be orphaned over again, Bonaventure."

How like how terribly like to that young Zoséphine whose ill-concealed scorn he had so often felt in days in years long gone, at Carancro! This was not, and could not be, the same lacked half the necessary years; and yet, in the joy of his relief, he answered her bow with a question, "Whose was yonder house?"

And the curé had looked upon it again, much nearer by; for before a bride dared enter a house so nearly new, it had been deemed necessary for him to come and, before a temporary altar within the dwelling, to say mass in the time of full moon. But not yet was the house really a dwelling; it, and all Carancro, were waiting for the wedding. Make haste, Bonaventure!

It may be that the flood was at last numbing his fear, as it had so soon done that of all the brute-life around him; it was in his mind to do something calling for more courage than he had ever before commanded in his life, save on that one day in Carancro, when, stung to madness by the taunts of a brave man, and driven to the wall, he had grappled and slain his tormentor.

It did not, by far, take up the seeker's whole daily life. Only it was a thread that ran all through it, a dye that colored it. Many other factors observations, occupations, experiences were helping to make up that life, and to make it, with all its pathetic slenderness, far more than it was likely ever to have been made at Carancro.