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"He watches," replied the slaves, "with the axe in his hand." "What hour of the night is it?" said Horam to his slaves. "The third watch of the night is past," answered the slaves. "Then enter, my Sultan," said Horam, "and see thine enemies perish from before thee." "What enemies? and what mysterious place is this?" said the Sultan. "Who is Camul? and what axe doth he bear in his hand?

In a moment it opened, and four slaves came forward with flambeaux in their hands. The slaves, seeing their master and the Sultan, fell prostrate: and Horam inquired whether all was safe. "Yes, my lord," answered the slaves. "We have not been disturbed since my lord first brought us to this gloomy cavern." "Where is Camul?" said the Vizier.

In twelve days journey from Campion, we come to the city of Ezina , which borders on a sandy desert towards the north. All the provinces and cities before mentioned, viz. Sachion, Camul, Chinchintalas, Succair, Campion, and Ezina, are comprehended in the great country of Tangut.

"What wonderful axe is this," said the Sultan, "that is thus preserved in the bowels of the earth?" The Sultan took the axe, and Camul the slave removing the stone on which he sat, there appeared a strong rope underneath, one end of which passed through the rocks, and the other was fastened to an enormous ring of iron.

The national Gallic religion, which was Druidism, was attacked as well as the Gallic fatherland, with the same design and by the same means; at one time Augustus prohibited this worship amongst the Gauls converted into Roman citizens, as being contrary to Roman belief; at another Roman Paganism and Gallic Druidism were fused together in the same temples and at the same altars, as if to fuse them in the same common indifference; Roman and Gallic names became applied to the same religious personification of such and such a fact or such and such an idea; Mars and Camul were equally the god of war; Belen and Apollo the god of light and healing; Diana and Arduinna the goddess of the chase.

In this manner Misnar passed through a long passage hewn out of the solid rock, till he beheld, at a distance, a man seated on a stone with an axe in his hand, and nine lamps burning before him. As they drew near, the man fell prostrate before them; and the Vizier, also falling prostrate, desired Misnar to take the axe out of the hand of Camul his slave.