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But here we are at the Pegalls'. I hope you'll like the kind of circus they run. Campmeetings are nothing to it." The dwelling of the respectable family alluded to was a tolerably sized house of red brick, placed in a painfully neat garden, and shut in from the high road by a tall and jealous fence of green-painted wood.

'Why do you call your son Sal? asked the mistress, 'that is a girl's name. The reply was, 'His Sunday came is Salvation Simmins; we call him Sal for short. 'And your husband addresses you as Jedu; what name is that? 'I was a girl of sixteen before I was baptised, and the preacher gave me the name Jeduthan, because I was the chief musician. 'Jeduthan was a man, the friend of David. 'Bible don't say he was a man, and for years and years I was the chief musician at the campmeetings.

Whoever likes a plantation life is welcome to it; but I am heartily sick of it. Indeed, Miss Janet, good as you are, you could not stand it at uncle's. Ten miles from a neighbor just consider it! Uncle disapproves of campmeetings and barbecues; and aunt is sewing from morning till night; while I am required to read the Spectator aloud. I have a mortal grudge against Addison."

No more do you find men and women coming for fifty miles, in wagons, to hear speakers discuss political issues; no more do you find campmeetings where the preacher strikes conviction home until thousands are on their knees crying to God for mercy. Intelligence has increased; spirituality has declined, and as a people the warm emotions of our hearts are gone forever. Oratory is a rustic product.