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You remimber that an you'll get another rupee! Thin we heard the whop-whop-whop av the hekka turnin' over, an' a splash av water an' the voice av Benira Thrigg callin' upon God to forgive his sins an' Buldoo an' 'is friends squotterin' in the water like boys in the Serpentine." Here the Three Musketeers retired simultaneously into the beer. "Well? What came next?" said I.

Wot devil's work 'ave you led me into? 'Hall right, sez we, 'you catch that there pony an' come along. This Sahib's been decoited, an' we're going to resky 'im! Says the driver, 'Decoits! Wot decoits? That's Buldoo the budmash' 'Bhuldoo be shot! sez we, ''Tis a woild dissolute Pathan frum the hills. There's about eight av thim coercin' the Sahib.

"Jist then, little Buldoo kim up, 'oo was the son of one of the Artillery grooms 'e would 'av made a 'evinly newspaper-boy in London, bein' sharp an' fly to all manner o' games, 'E 'ad bin watchin' us puttin' Mister Benhira into 'is temporary baroush, an' 'e sez, 'What 'ave you been a doin' of, Sahibs? sez 'e. Learoyd 'e caught 'im by the ear an 'e sez"

It never occurred to me before. He knows that quotation. He isn't a Philistine with a moustache. I don't suppose he meant it, but he has driven the rings into my fingers. POOR DEAR MAMMA. Has Vermillion come round yet? Oh, yes! Captain Gadsby, don't you think that the saddle is too far forward? She told me that she doted on horses. Bad Buldoo! I must speak to him for this.

"Thin we heard Bhuldoo, the dacoit, shoutin' to the hekka man, an' wan of the young divils brought his stick down on the top av the hekka-cover, an' Benira Thrigg inside howled 'Murther an' Death. Buldoo takes the reins and dhrives like mad for the jhil, havin' dishpersed the hekka-dhriver 'oo cum up to us an' 'e sez, sez 'e, 'That Sahib's nigh mad with funk!