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Esthetic values apart and, indeed, to all such values Patricia accorded a provisional respect what most impressed her Stapyltonian mind was the fact that these books represented, in a perfectly tangible way, success. Patricia very heartily admired success when it was brevetted as such by the applause of others.

During the Mexican War, Captain Lee directed all the most important engineering operations of the American army, a work vital to its wonderful success. Already, at the siege of Vera Cruz, General Scott mentioned him as having "greatly distinguished himself." He was prominent in all the operations thence to Cerro Gordo, where, in April, 1847, he was brevetted Major.

J. D. Miley, Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector General, U. S. A., to be brevetted Colonel for conspicuous gallantry in the battle of San Juan on July 1st, and to be brevetted Brigadier General for faithful and meritorious service throughout the campaign.

Barclay heard from Miss Lucy and through her kept track of Philemon Ward, who was transferred to another regiment after he was made major. And when he was made a colonel at Shiloh, there were tear blots on Miss Lucy's letter that told of it, and after Appomattox he was brevetted a general. As for Captain Culpepper, he came home a colonel, and Jake Dolan came home a first lieutenant.

He was soon afterward brevetted major for gallant conduct, and greatly distinguished himself in the attack on Cosino gate, Mexico city. In 1845 he was made major of the First United States Cavalry, and served in Texas until the breaking out of the rebellion.

Ah, little he dreamed what a tumult he had raised in the heart of that young being whose imagination had been so stirred by all that she had read and heard of war, and the part taken in it by their own young men of Leauvite. That Peter Junior had come home brevetted a captain for his bravery crowned him with glory.

He was aide-de-camp to General Scott in the Black Hawk war; and in the war with the Florida Indians, was brevetted for gallantry in rescuing the force he commanded from an ambush into which it had been lured, the fight being so desperate that, besides being wounded, no less than thirty bullets penetrated his clothes.

John McArthur, born in Erskine, Scotland, in 1826, emigrated to United States in 1849, was brevetted Major-General for gallantry. "He introduced the inflexible arched truss, which has probably been in more general use in the United States than any other system of timber bridges."

Will reached Fort Hayes in the early morning, to report the safe arrival of Custer at Larned and the discovery of the Indian band, which he estimated at two hundred braves. The mule received "honorable mention" in his report, and was brevetted a thoroughbred.

R. H. Noble, Major and Adjutant General, U. S. V., to be brevetted Lieutenant Colonel for faithful and meritorious service throughout the campaign. J. J. Astor, Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector General, U. S. V., to be brevetted Colonel for faithful and meritorious service during the campaign.