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It was two days later the telegram arrived. It read: Agatha very ill come to me roger in perfect health. He noted how with Stapyltonian thrift Patricia telegraphed ten words precisely.... And when he had reached home, late in the evening, the colonel, not having taken his bunch of keys with him, laid down his dress-suit case on the dark porch, and reached out one hand to the door-bell.

Esthetic values apart and, indeed, to all such values Patricia accorded a provisional respect what most impressed her Stapyltonian mind was the fact that these books represented, in a perfectly tangible way, success. Patricia very heartily admired success when it was brevetted as such by the applause of others.

It could no longer be said that the wife of a Musgrave of Matocton lacked an authentic and tolerably ancient pedigree. The colonel made a book of his Stapyltonian researches which he vaingloriously proclaimed to be the stupidest reading within the ample field of uninteresting printed English.

Just here and there, in fine, like a familiar face in a crowd, she could discover some one of her more sedately-colored "parlor ornaments"; and the whole history of it its donor or else its price, the gestures of the shopman, even what sort of weather it was when she and Rudolph found "exactly what I've been looking for" in the shop-window, and the Stapyltonian, haggling over the price with which Patricia had bargained such unimportant details as these now vividly awakened in recollection.... In fine, this room was not her parlor at all, and in it Patricia was lonely.... Yes, yes, she would be nowadays, the colonel reflected, for he himself had never been in thorough sympathy with all the changes made by Roger's self-assured young wife.