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"By Jove, dear old man a raid what? A Hun raid now for the man-trap!" He departed at speed up the nearest boyau, leaving a trail of sparks behind him like a catherine-wheel that has been out in the rain; to be followed by his Captain, who had first taken the precaution of loading his automatic. The first man Percy met was the tooth-sucker, who was shaking with uncontrollable excitement.

We move on again at last, and find ourselves in Central Boyau, getting near the heart of things. Suddenly we are conscious of an overpowering sense of relief. Our guns have ceased firing. For the first time for three days and nights there is peace. Captain Wagstaffe looks at his watch. "That means that our first line are going over the parapet," he says. "Punctual, too!

"Have some of this, Major," he said. The burly Kemp roused himself and took the proffered cup gratefully. Then, looking round, he said "Hallo, Ayling! You arrived? Whereabouts in the line were you?" "I got cut off from the Battalion in the advance up Central Boyau, sir," said Ayling. "Everybody had disappeared by the time I got the machine-guns over the parapet.

The sick man hesitated and answered. "I don't think I just remember what he said." Then he shut his eyes, and lay still, while Clerambault bent over him and tried to see what was before those eyes under their closed lids. An icy moonless night. From the bottom of the hollow boyau one could see the cold sky and the fixed stars. Bullets rattled on the hard ground.

"We move off at a quarter to four," he said, "up Fountain Alley and Scottish Trench, into Central Boyau" "boyau" is the name which is given to a communication-trench in trenches which, like those in front of us, are of French extraction "and so over the parapet.