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'It was once a dear little pig, and we wanted to teach it to take exercise by running after us when we went out, but the stepmother, like Bunyan, "penned it" "Until at last it came to be, For length and breadth, the bigness which you see." More than once he saw Madge's quick wit twinkle through her booklore.

'Yea, in arms and sports. They must be learnt I know, but a noble needs booklore too, said the boy. 'Cannot this same hermit help me? Sir Lancelot Simon Bunce interrupted sharply. 'Sir Lancelot knows nought of the hermit! He is he is a holy man. 'A priest, broke in Dolly, 'a priest! 'No such thing, dame, no clerk at all, I tell thee. And ye lads had best not molest him!

Happily, too, she has not been reared in the stereotyped boarding-school shallowness of knowledge and vulgarities of gentility; but educated, like myself, by the free influences of Nature, longing for no halls and palaces save those that we build as we list, in fairyland; educated to comprehend and share the fancies which are more than booklore to the worshipper of art and song.

If this spirit does not have the opportunity to show itself in active practice on the field of sport, it will nevertheless make itself felt in one's relations with men on the field of life, and so we have in Emmet D. Boyle a practical man with a vast knowledge about Nevada's foremost sources of success, with a true appreciation of the booklore of our ancestors, a keen eye and the love of fair play of the true sportsman.

We may truly say, old things have passed away, all things have become new. What an advance in the arts and sciences and in the literature of the country has been made during the last few years. Canada can boast of many good and even distinguished authors, and the love of books and booklore is daily increasing.

Happily, too, she has not been reared in the stereotyped boarding-school shallowness of knowledge and vulgarities of gentility; but educated, like myself, by the free influences of Nature, longing for no halls and palaces save those that we build as we list, in fairyland; educated to comprehend and share the fancies which are more than booklore to the worshipper of art and song.